3 tips for your caulking project

In recent years, more and more households are experiencing heat loss problems. To be precise, this refers to all heat loss in a dwelling. This increases heating bills, but it's not the only problem. It can also harm the health of occupants. Therefore, it is vital to remedy the situation quickly. It's important to note that there's no point in insulating your home if there are air leaks. If you're planning to do some caulking work, here are 3 valuable tips that will certainly come in handy.

1 - Detect infiltrations and air leaks

The first thing to do before starting any caulking work is to check for infiltrations and air leaks. To do this, you'll need to check strategic points for air leakage, i.e. door thresholds and frames, roof access hatches, ventilation and ductwork ducts, kitchen hoods, mail slots, open fireplaces, cracks in masonry, and so on. Pay close attention to all these points so you can quickly find where there are leaks. In most cases, caulking is one of the most important jobs you can do.

2 - Caulk your home properly

You want to improve thermal comfort in your home. You've just invested in a Best Buy wall-mounted air conditioner. However, you've recently noticed that the caulking in your home is no longer effective. The first thing you need to do is test your caulking by pricking it with something sharp like a nail or screwdriver. If it cracks or comes apart, you may need to replace your caulking. Note that caulking must have a certain elasticity to be effective. If it doesn't, it's time to change it! To determine where you need to caulking, look for signs of poor sealing, such as water marks or tears.

3 - Call in a professional

If you don't have the time to do the work yourself, you can always call in a caulking expert. A caulking professional can help prevent air and water infiltration into your home. He'll find the best solutions to improve your home's thermal comfort. Contact a qualified, experienced specialist! You can rely on a job well done! The caulking expert will carry out his work in compliance with safety standards and various environmental regulations. He'll also use durable, eco-friendly and high-performance sealants.

So what are you waiting for? Call in a caulking professional to effectively caulk your home. It's vital that you monitor the quality of the caulking for greater comfort, to save on your heating bill, and so on. Last but not least, make sure you choose the right time of year for the caulking work. This is an important point that should not be be overlooked. The effectiveness of your caulking will depend on your climate and region. 

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